How Can An Electric Standing Desk Improve Your Work Day?

An entire day of a desk job is more synonymous with physical strain. Settling down to relax is not an option at times but is maintaining a good posture always a possibility? With the computer inclination causing back pain, neck pain, tight shoulders, and dry eyes, you can make things right by using standing desks. 

What are the benefits? 

Using standing desks can liberate you off the chances of occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders that are aggravated by improper postures. The employers are also getting benefitted with these desks. A massive survey conducted by the Bureau of Labour Statistics revealed that about 27 percent of workplace injuries are caused by musculoskeletal issues and that leads employees to miss about 12 days of work in a year. Standing desks reduce absenteeism and enhance your productivity. 

How to choose the right desk? 

We have collated a list of ideas you can put to use before you settle for the best desk. You need to choose an option that will convince standing and sitting in the right proportion. But it’s better if you segregate it as per its types. If you consider a fixed-height standing desk, you will be ensured that it will be tall and will be designed only for standing. It will not be benefitting you to adjust and lower it down. They are pretty simple and there will not be many options to choose from. They are quite affordable and are usually very sturdy. But there might arise a few issues with these as they cannot be adjusted. So you can choose among sit and stand desks that will ensure it gets adjusted as per your needs. There are different advantages attached to different types and let us look into each of them in detail. 

Fixed-height standing desks

  • They are single piece furniture with cohesive looks
  • They are very easy to get assembled 
  • They are very sturdy 
  • They are pretty affordable 

Sit and stand desks

  • They are single piece desks with a compact look
  • They offer more surface to work on

Sit and stand convertors

  • They require almost zero assembly headaches 
  • You do not need to replace your current desk
  • They are way too affordable 

PrimeCables electric standing desk provides you stability during work while giving you the ideal space to work upon.