Why You Need to Wear a Riding Hat

Horse riding is an exhilarating and rewarding activity, but it can also be dangerous. In order to ensure that you are safe while riding, the most important piece of safety equipment you will need is a riding hat. Riding hats are helmets specifically designed for horse riding, and they protect your head from impact if you were to fall off your horse. Let’s take a closer look at why wearing a riding hat is so important.

Riding hats are an essential piece of safety equipment for any horse rider. They can help protect against falls or injuries from a horse, and should always be worn when riding. It is important to choose the correct size and style of helmet, ensuring it fits snugly on your head and that the chinstrap is securely fastened. To get the most protection, regularly replace your helmet; a good quality hat should remain comfortable, safe and secure if correctly cared for.

Types of Riding Hats

There are several different types of riding hats available on the market today, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common type of helmet is the traditional velvet hunt cap. These caps are lightweight and breathable, making them comfortable for long rides in hot weather. However, they do not offer much in terms of protection as they do not have a hard shell or protective lining.

The second type of riding hat is the ASTM-approved helmet. These helmets meet certain safety standards established by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). They feature a hard outer shell with additional layers of protective foam or airbags inside for optimum protection against impact force. ASTM-approved helmets come in a variety of styles and colours, so you can find one that suits your taste as well as keeps you safe!

The last type of helmet is the full face helmet which provides more coverage than any other helmet on the market today. Full face helmets have all the features that ASTM approved helmets have plus an additional layer of protection around your face in case you fall off your horse directly onto your face. They also provide extra protection from debris such as branches or rocks that could be kicked up while trail riding or jumping fences during cross country events.

Wearing a riding hat should be considered essential whenever you ride horses – no matter how experienced or confident you may feel in the saddle! While there are several different types available on the market today, all three offer superior levels of protection against injury caused by falls off your horse or debris kicked up while trail or eventing riding. So make sure to invest in a quality helmet before hitting the trails this summer – after all, safety always comes first!