Piano For Beginners: How To Buy Your First Piano In Singapore

The one-of-a-kind tone and iconic black and white keys of the piano is known and loved worldwide. Countless people fell in love with the magical tunes that it produces—so much that they decided to buy a piano in Singapore after taking a couple of lessons that taught them how to tickle its keys.

If you are purchasing a piano for the first time, you must have a few questions and concerns running through your head. You want to take the best looking and sounding instrument home, so, understandably, you want to learn about the best piano buying practices you should follow. To help you piano shop in Singapore as a beginner musician, consider following these tips:

Choose A Type

The piano comes in shapes, sizes, and types. You can choose between traditional, digital, and electronic options that vary in octaves and the number of keys. You could also get an autoplay piano that produces sound without a player.

Settle On A Budget

The piano comes at varying price points in Singapore. The bigger and more traditional you go, the more expensive the cost will be. To prevent overspending, research the average price of the piano type and size you want and create a budget according to your findings.

Consider The Brand

The looks and sound quality of your piano will depend on its brand. Unlike other instrument manufacturers, the best keyboard makers dedicate long hours to craft each piece of their piano that goes on sale in their Singapore gallery.

Find A Tuner

To help you keep your piano in shape, you need to hire a tuner who will inspect and repair your instrument now and then. But before you look for one, go online and search for a piano maintenance price comparison first to get an idea about the average amount you must pay for their services.

Your first piano will be your last if you choose to purchase it at Steinway Gallery Singapore. Visit their website below to learn how to visit their piano shop and bring one of their masterpieces home.