Beyond Dentures: The Magic of Dental Implants 

Dentistry has evolved tremendously over the decades with several advanced and innovative tooth replacement options like dental implants. These are excellent alternatives to conventional restorations like dentures and bridges. Getting your missing tooth replaced is crucial to maintaining your oral functionality and aesthetics. 

The dental implants provided by the dentist in Markham, Ontario, and the team are highly durable, offering permanent solutions to missing teeth. 

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a surgically inserted artificial tooth root made up of biocompatible material like titanium alloy. These are permanent solutions to replacing missing teeth that provide anchorage and support to the final prosthesis, like crowns, bridges, or dentures. 

The implant post is a screw-like device that is inserted into the jawbone to completely fuse through a process called osseointegration. 

What benefits do dental implants offer?

Dental implants are popular replacements for missing teeth when compared to other traditional restorations since they offer several benefits. They: 

  • Provide permanent tooth replacements since they are fixed prostheses
  • Improve speech and masticatory functions
  • Provide a strong and stable foundation for dental crowns
  • Stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone resorption
  • Preserve the adjacent natural teeth
  • Are durable and long-lasting with proper oral care

Am I an ideal candidate for dental implants?

You are a suitable candidate for dental implants if you meet the following criteria:

  • Have a healthy jawbone with adequate thickness and density
  • Are free from advanced periodontal disease
  • Willing to give time for dental visits while getting your implant
  • Are an adult with jawbones that are fully developed
  • Are dedicated to maintaining good oral hygiene  

How are dental implants inserted?

Getting implants demands time, perseverance, and patience, which involves the following steps:


  • Your dentist will evaluate your oral cavity for the missing teeth that need replacement.
  • Your jawbone density and volume will be assessed through dental X-rays to consider. 
  • If the bone thickness is insufficient, you may require additional procedures like bone grafting.


  • The space around your missing teeth will be numbed with a local anesthetic to ease pain and discomfort.
  • Your dentist will cut open the gums through a small incision to expose the underlying jawbone. 
  • Using rotary instruments, tiny holes will be drilled, and the implant post will be inserted. 
  • The implant site will be allowed to heal for 4 to 5 months before placing the permanent restoration. 

Bottom line 

Dental implants are effective permanent fixtures, offering excellent durability and long-lasting results. It is considered a one-time investment towards a complete oral health enhancement.